1000 impressions daily with no idea of seo.

Many people blogging online might be facing this tough question on how do I get traffic on their blog. Practically new blog usually gets very little traffic and reaching 1K impressions daily might be a great achievement. I am going to share with you all the strategy that I used to make my blog reach 1K impressions daily from a mere 50 impressions per day. I know its not an easy task you need to do a lot of hard work.

SEO is not that important when you start out, you will eventually know more as you continue blogging. At this crucial moment you need to focus on retaining every traffic and not making them go away make sure you have at least a few handful post before you start spreading the word about it everywhere. Contributing to other blogger, forums, directories in the same niche is another useful tactic that you can use to get traffic to your blog. Make sure what you write is useful and helpful that others will relate to and would feel like knowing more about you.

Building a community around the blog can be a great tool in providing a long term traffic to your blog because the people would feel like knowing more about what you are doing so they will keep visiting your blog regularly. This tactic has proved to be a great asset in my game website. Blogging what others are blogging are days of the past, just blog because you love it and not on seeing what others are making from it. Its simple to get lost in it and finally giveup without a penny in your account. I have done very much similar to that which I now know its a pointless effort and its gets me nothing. Make it your personal dairy not the one filled with plenty of crap.

Be original People are expecting new and fresh contents, so make sure you deliver them what you want. I have never been a good contributor nor a good blogger but I have been able to get much traffic because of the originality of my contents. People like to read your ventures what you are doing and achieved online rather than other stuffs which is now saturated, they like some motivation so provide them with the motivation. Make it a point to make it a personal dairy make every story that you narrate had some special twist from you rather than some plain simple do this and that.

I am sure after implementing all this you will be able to get some tons of traffic to your blog even when you write a simple post everyone would be patiently waiting to read it because of the originality. Be original not a copy writer every niche is saturated now its your originality that is going to separate your niche from others. Ranking or how much traffic you get does not determine how much you make online. A blog with a few impressions per day with original contents can be making a whole lot more than a blog with tons of contents that lack originality.

Make a blog in such a manner that others can easily love to narrate to and would be attached to even when they read a simple article from your blog. Be the unexpected blogger which deliver every content with his/her own twist. I am going to keep this as my own personal diary so I am going to write every post in it with intense care and not the one that is filled with plenty of contents with no value.

So what do you think about it? Are you going to be the same frustrated blogger or are you going to do something different. In the next post I am going to write about how to use facebook the most powerful social media to get tons of traffic to your blog when you are starting out a new blog.

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